Goulburn Martial Arts Academy

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Recovery, returning to training and competition.

So, its been 9 months now since my last blog on my neck injury.

Since, I have returned to full duties at work, rolling, lifting weights, running, etc. I have even hit the competition mats.

Now, this sounds too good to be true right? well yes, sort of! I have had many days of nerve pain still and plenty of neck and back stiffness. ultimately the big issue seems to come when I look at my phone or computer work too much during the day which causes neuropathy. The most important part of the recovery for me now is still balance. I know I am still not 100% but I allow my body to tell me when I need to rest.

I won’t roll cold, I do yoga and try to maintain good posture as much as possible. My return to the mats was slow, 2 rounds once a week, drilling passes only to start, then work on top control. I have not worked my guard at all and only minimal escapes off my back.

I have been striking and had some light rounds of boxing and takedowns etc. I must admit sometimes it felt like two steps forward and one step.

There is an inherent risk to grappling and it increases when we age. our disks in the spine are 95% water and like all joints deteriorate. we need to ensure the musculature supports the spins as much as possible. Increase mobility of the spine and hips, hamstrings. The front is for show and the back is for go anyway, so get some work done.

My back and neck tell me when to slow down, but I am having more good days than not. I have done the return back to comp and even got a win. Though I may take some more time before I do it again. I hope that this gives you some scope for hoping to get back to the mats. Its just time, patience, and balance. Be smart!

See you on the mats
