Return to training

Photo by skynesher/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by skynesher/iStock / Getty Images

We are back to training today guys.

Just wanted to get some items covered. Can everyone please remember the following!

As we are back today we are kicking off the new you program. I want to be realistic in our teams goals and achieve the benchmarks we set. Martial arts provide a way of health and fitness and I want that to be measurable.

Family are more than welcome to join the fitness portion. 

We will be setting goals to achieve both with nutrition and fitness.

first nutrition goal this week  is to cut out soft drink and juices empty calories that are high in sugar. get rid of them out of the diet.

first fitness goal is to test everyone's basic level of..... Push ups, Sit ups and 2. km run (weather permitting)

Bring a pen, notebook, student handbook, drink, joggers, shorts.

lets make this year your year.


Craig HarmerComment