Goal! Goal! Goal!

Hi Team, 

firstly I hope the beginning of your year so far has been fantastic. I'm sure most of you. Like me, have seen off the return to school and work after holidays. Most of you will have turned to starting smashing some headway into some New Years resolution. It may have been, to organise your clothes or shed, or perhaps drop a few kilos or hit your first competition. Whatever it may be, be prepared to fail, and fail and fail. These are the necessary steps for you to succeed. To learn from our mistakes. To persevere through hardships and be tenacious.  I wish you luck in your goals for this year. I wish you all the success you desire. But remember failure is one step closer to success and at times it's a process that is inevitable. 

Being positive is easy when everything is going well but . But being positive when down and out is more important. 

Craig HarmerComment