CHITF 2019 World Championships

So, It’s over! the world championships have come and gone. Medals were won, friends made and learning to be had.

The first weekend of March 2019 in Melbourne saw the best exponents from around the globe compete in the “True Spirit Of Taekwon-Do” . For our club it was an opportunity for some to compete at the international stage for the first time. Our club was able to bring home a swag of medals and a number of world champions! I would like to congratulate all competitors that took to the mats that learned so much about themselves and their art of Taekwon-Do. Special mention to all the medalist as well as the newly crowned world champions.

The championship was completed in just a few days. But the organising took almost two years from the organising committee from RMIT lead by GM Robert Lai and Master Lai with the assistance from Sabum Chattaraj and Boosabums Siatabusan and Comperatore. Congratulations on a successful event!

Like the event, competitors also took time to prepare, some as six months preparation for this competition. I would actually say that every time you have stepped on the mats you were preparing. From the first day you tied that belt around your waist, to the day of the championships. It was all part of the process that got you to that moment. Every day you ran, lifted weights or even had a physio session. It was all part of the process.

For some this may be the only championships that they attend. I feel sad for them. The championship is really not the reason we go. its really a neat disguise for the real reason. The real reason is simply to exchange ideas, spend time with people that spend so much time dedicating to the same art as we do. Understanding the same sacrifices that we have all made. The injuries, the travel, costs, the arduous training regime. these are our people, regardless of affiliation, as GM Robert Lai said “ We are many, but we are one”.

Over time that shiny medal may lose its luster, but the memories and shared experiences with friends new and old will remain with you forever. life is about living and sharing moments with people not about shiny things. for those that were unable to pick up a medal. remember this, if your nothing without the medal, your nothing with it. What should drive you is the process, not the end goal! life is a process, we are born, we live and we die. I am in no rush to get to the end goal of life. and hopefully It is far away. As like me, I hope your still enjoying the process!

Thanks to OwenKc for his amazing images! 

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