Instructor, Coach, Leader or boss?

So which one are you?

When I was younger, and I started Instructing I made all the mistakes (still do make plenty by the way). I thought it was my job to be strict and be an authoritative figure head. As at the time I was a manager of a retail store, that’s what I learned or modeled from the owner and other managers. Even though I knew I hated that style of management, I thought it was what I was expected to do to please senior management. That style of management does not inspire people, it makes people shut down and resentful and apathetic and no goal will be met. It is the same in martial arts. leadership in martial arts can be lacking. With little to know education in leadership or management, it is up to the individual to seek out if they want to develop this skill set.

Coaching the Australian team. (making plenty of mistakes)

Coaching the Australian team. (making plenty of mistakes)

Leadership is about leadership, leading! it is not about being the boss. We need to lead our students to succeed and get the best out of them. Our role is to guide, motivate and develop. It is not about do as I say, we need to educate and motivate for them to achieve. At the end of the day we want what our students want. Our goal is there goal, with our experiences we can hopefully guide them in achieving those outcomes be it achieving the next rank, losing a little weight or winning a medal at an upcoming championship. remember to lead and not rule, motivate and engage. Together I am sure we can all achieve wonderful things after all leadership can be successful unless we have someone to lead. It is a partnership together focused on the same goal, improvement!

Merrin, leading some of our Little Ninjas

Merrin, leading some of our Little Ninjas

Craig Harmer1 Comment